Doppel: Animated Emoji for All. An Animoji-like app that works on all iPhones, and is “supercharged” on the iPhone X with TrueDepth camera.
FL2D: A face landmark visualizer app. Swift, SpriteKit. (September 2017). This provides a tiny hint at what I've been working on…
A standalone iOS Messages App. This was available in the App Store from October 2016 - August 2017 as part of an exploratory revival of a brand called “WithMe Entertainment.”
As’s first engineer, I led the iOS engineering effort and built numerous novel user interfaces. My work included client-side persistence, architecting its API client, and building dependencies as frameworks.
A lightweight Twitter OAuth framework for iOS. Built for those who don't need larger, more complex offerings like Fabric.
Lightweight Swift wrapper for URLSession.
Technical Reviewer for the book.
Expert Reviewer for the book.
Bootstrapping several prototypes through initial product release. Proprietary 3D engine integration. Objective-C.
A game for toddlers that I made with my kids to expose them to app development. Objective-C, Swift, SpriteKit (2013, ongoing)
Engineering team leadership.
An avatar dress-up interface built in WebGL + JavaScript + CSS 3D
The precursor to IMVU's Web-based chat client. WebGL + JavaScript
Barely got away with calling this "Augmented Reality" back in 2011... This was a new feature add-on to an avatar dress-up app built in Unity3D.
Ph.D. Dropout, Physics, Arizona State University
B.S., Physics, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona